MFC Sanfix 250

MFC Sanfix 250

    • Components: 2
    • Processing time: 45 min.
    • Correction time: 20 min.
    • Pressure strength at 28 days: min. 25 MPa
    • Mtrl.consumption: 1,7 kg/1 mm/1 m2
    • Packaging:  30 kg bag

MFC Sanfix 250 is used as hydroi-insulation material to protect concrete structures with absorbent grounding. It is used prior to application of MFC mortars, designated for fast repairs of concrete and reinforced concrete floors and for refurbishment of poured concrete pillars, balconies, terraces, stairways, etc.

MFC Sanfix 250 is hydroinsulation refurbishing mortar based on cement, fine filling and midifying additives.

MFC Sanfix 250 is used as hydroinsulatio material for absorbent foundation of concrete structures. it is used prior to application of MFC repair mortars, optimal for fast repairs of concrete and reinforced concrete floors, for refurbishment of poured concrete pillars, balconies, terraces, stairs etc. It is water and frost resistant.