At the Opera in Prague ware made terrazzo floors with binder MFC Terrazzo CP. Applicator: Omega99 s.r.o.

By the end of May we installed 700 m2 of floor surface with color screeds in a newly constructed World of kids - EXCALIBUR CITY, Hatě.
There was created entirely unique arrangement of existing floor surfaces on two upper floors with MFC Final 410 product. Various colors and shapes were tailored to the customer request. All had been done in a very, very short time of application - just in one day!
Used compound:
- surface ball blasting
- repair of cracks and joints in base layer
- rough base levelling MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment MFC Final 410 in color of: black, red, gren, yellow, orange, white
MFC Final 410 as a design floor in the kindergarden Ústí nad Labem.
Colored sreed was applied MFC Final 410 in following tints:
MFC Final 410 blue
MFC Final 410 green
MFC Final 410 yellow
MFC Final 410 red
AAP Hranice s.r.o company. built 500 m2 grinded floor surfaces in a new administration building of Antreg company in Vyškov from black Micro Terrazza.
This technology offers esthetic and highly resistant solution of commercial and administrative surfaces. Three sizes of filling and various color diversity of binding compound offers endless creative possibilities for the floor final appearance.