While refurbushing warehouse in Velké Opatovice we applied MFC Final 410 with epoxide impregnation MFC Ekopox 630.

Due to the unsatisfactory levelling of the new floor with dry penetration surface the whole floor had been blasted and self levelling industrial coating followed MFC Final 413. Thus the investor requirement for levelling +-1mm for high lift stackers was uncoditionally met .
investor: GU-WERK, Nitra SK
Used product - MFC Final 413
Total area - 4300 m2
At the Zátkovy pasta we laid 800 m2 floor surface with the MFC Final 400 system of self levelling industrial coating.
We carried out the refurbishment of unsatisfactory floor surface in the warehouse on the second floor.
Used compound:
- surface blasting
- repair of local potholes and cracks
- MFC Final 420 rough base levelling
- final surface treatment with MFC Final 410 yellow
We made 1100 m2 floor surface with the system of MFC Final 410 self levelling industrial coating.
Refurbishment of floor surface in production shops, storage facilities and hallways was carried out.
Used compound:
- surface grinding
- repair of local potholes and cracks
- base penetration with MFC Primer 620 (2x)
- final surface treatment MFC Final 410 YELLOW
In the end of 2010 we laid 2500 m2 of MFC Final 410 industrial screed at the ALPS Electric, Trenčín.
It was repair of newly laid concrete surface with dry penetration surface se vsypem whiw were damaged by rain while repair was in progress.
Used compound:
- surface ball blasting, grinding
- MFC Primer 620 (2x) base penetration
- final surface treatment MFC Final 410 3% WHITE
We refurbished the floor surface of warehouse at the INJETON PLAST s.r.o. company.
There was an area of 540 m2 of store facility area clearly broken up incl. level imperfections.
Used compound:
- surface ball blasting, milling
- repair of base cracks and joints with clips (MFC Ekopox 670)
- rough base levelling MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment MFC Final 410, natural grey
We used MFC Final 400 industrial screed system to refurbish 1352 m2 of floor surface in KOMA s.r.o. company warehouse system.
There was repair of new concrete floors with dry penetration surface. Due to the insuficient adhesion the whole area separation of mentioned surface treatment happened.
Used compound:
- base milling and blasting
- cleaning and sealing of base expansion joints
- base penetration MFC Primer 620
- local levelling of base with coating MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment with industrial coating MFC Final 410
- repair of expansion joints and their sealing with permanently flexible compound
MFC Final 400 system was used to refurbish the surface of a new concrete floor with dry penetration surface
There were approx. 1200 m2 of surface floors in a new production shop of the fireplace insert manufacturer. Concrete floor with the surface treatment "dry penetration surface" had shown some imperfections ie. whole surface separation of mentioned surface treatment along with approx. 1 - 2 cm layr of concrete.
Used compound:
- base milling and blasting
- cleaning and sealing and consolidation of base joints
- base penetration MFC Primer 620
- local base levelling with coating MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment with industrial coating MFC Final 410
- repair of expansion joints and their sealing with permanently flexible compound
In the course of Christmas holidays we refurbished floor surfaces at the Tyco Electronics Czech s.r.o. company
It was a surface repair of existing concrete surfaces in the company´s expedition ward. The existing floor surface had shown failures as lifted concrete slab edges of expansion joints (up to 15 mm max.). At the same time, most likely while the repairs were in progress the concrete slab lowered itself so the upper reinforcing steel bracket was visible. The mentioned failures highly hindered the movements of forklifts which had to operate in given shop almost continuously. The total surface area was approx. 1200 m2.
As a new surface treatment was chosen MFC Final 430, our TOP product designated for heavy duty operations.
Used compound:
- base blast cleaned
- milling of uplifted slab edges
- repair of cracks and joints of base
- base penetration MFC Primer 620
- local surface levelling with levelling coating MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment with industrial coating for heavy duty opearations MFC Final 430 v dark grey color
In the end of 2015 theAAP Hranice s.r.o. company had implemented 4000 m2 floor surfaces at the TATRA Kopřivnice company.
It was a refurbishment of existing concrete surfaces that were not meeting the requirements of planned motor vehicle service and repair shop.
Used compound:
- base blast cleaning
- MFC Primer 620 base penetration
- base levelling and consolidation with MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment with industrial coating MFC Final 410, thickness of layer approx. 5 mm
By the end of 2011 the refurbishing of 1200 m2 floor surfaces was done at the EUROHARD company
There was refurbishing of surface of existing concrete floors in two production shops for manufacturing of steel structures.
Used compound:
- base milling and blasting
- wooden expansion joints removal followed by joint filling with levelling coating MFC Final 420
- repairing of joints and cracks with compound MFC Ekopox 670
- base penetration MFC Primer 620
- local levelling and base consolidation with levelling coating MFC Final 420
- final surface treatment with industrial coating MFC Final 410