There was delivered MFC Anhydrite by BREMAT technology to the construction of condominiums Podveská. More than 150 m³ of fresh mixture was processed there.

Our company has been chosen to deliver cast anhydrite coating in proceeding the construction of Rezidence Austerlitz in Slavkov u Brna project.
The succesfull project has been expanded to 18 town houses. Our company provided the delivery of approx 80 m3 of cast anhydrite coating MFC Anhydrit 020, which has been deliverd by the means of application trailers Bremat and TransMix.
We provided Transmix/Bremat technology which is MFC Portland 020 cast cement coating to the Condominiums Musilka.
We deliver more than 150 m3 of cast cement coating MFC Portland 020.
Construction site„ condominiumm Musilka“ is a part of residential block of condominiums and family houses. There will be 51 condominiums in total according to required (approx. 100 inhabitants) and 56 parking spaces in parking deck 1.PP.